Salvage Hunters - Architectural Salvage for the home

Salvage Hunters - Architectural Salvage for the home

At Curious Mr Smith we find, acquire, buy, locate, 'relieve' our products from all manner of places (legally, I hasten to add) - there is often an absolute thrill of the chase.
And also a very quick get-over-it when we don't 'win'/get there in time etc etc.
(Except for a few items that we can still get bitter about - things that should have been ours...)
Recently we were the fortunate recipients of a lot of architectural salvage. Seen and accessed at speed, and successful in our bid. Gulp. In truth, there was quite an overwhelming amount, with some things stored to come back to when we have the strength, but also some absolute crackers that could be quickly turned around and shared with you.
You may have read our recent blog post about storage (here), it's the eternal quest. Theoretically if everything has it's rightful place, then everyone knows where things should be kept.
Everyone knows, that coats and jackets don't need to be slung on a chair or settee... or the floor.
These 6 brass hooks would help tidy things up; with a gentle signs of wear they have polished up beautifully and would look grand in any hallway.
Shelves could be elevated literally, with this set of three painted cast iron brackets.
These lions feet castors were from an inherited table from when Mrs CMS moved into a rented flat in Camden some 25+ years ago. The table was painted a dark wine red (it was the 90's), it since then did the rounds with differing family members, and was well loved, but the time had come...
These castors are now ready to elevate their next table and make it magnificent.
This wall mounted hook could be used indoors or outdoors. Possibly for a hanging basket, the style of this hook though suggests it was used for hanging a fire bucket... perfect for your BBQ area, should the sun ever return...
In the most glorious yellow colour these Victorian wall tiles with their crackles and colouration were a recent acquisition from someone renovating their home. Covering approx 0.4m squared - there are 54 tiles (+ 4 cracked ones) - they would look fabulous as a kitchen or cloak room splash back.
For more Architectural Accessories and Curiosities, please head here... it's and ever growing selection of fascinating pieces.
And do of course get in touch here, if there is anything that you are looking for that you think that I could help with, until then...
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