Part of the excitement of this business is never knowing what the next week or day might bring. We source our stock from anywhere and everywhere, we trawl websites, platforms, markets and shops go down rabbit holes, get lost, and then head back up.
Seemingly we found and bought all of the Parker Knoll/Knoll Studio chairs that were available in London recently... which involved four round trips to fetch them. Unsurprisingly, and as per... we have two chairs 'resting' in our sitting room... and they fit in rather beautifully...
We found six Knoll Studio upholstered Cesca dining chairs; made in the cantilever shape that we're all familiar with, but when digging a little deeper, oh boy.
Hope you're sitting comfortably, because here's a bit of history.
The original iteration of the Cesca chair was made by Michael Thonet using a design by legendary designer Marcel Breuer in 1928; inspired by the steel tubular frame of his bicycle.
In the 1950s Italian manufacturer Dino Gavina took over the production of the chair, which in 1968 was in turn bought out by The Knoll Group. Knoll, since 1938, have been pioneers of modern furnishings for the home and workplace.
The Knoll Group continue to manufacture the chairs to this day, and as with all great designs, it has been hugely inspirational to others; the New York Museum of Modern Art holds one the early chairs and describes it as one of the top ten most important chair designs of the 20th Century.
We have six chairs in total, selling as a set of two, and a set of four.
Parker Knoll.
A heritage brand with a 150 year history
(and no relation to the Knoll Group above).
Founded in by Frederick Parker in 1869, a furniture and cabinet maker to the gentry, and, as time and reputation evolved, produced furniture also for public buildings through to ships. Tom Parker, Frederick's son, later took over the business and following an introduction by Ambrose Heal (of Heal & Son, still on Tottenham Court Road), to Willi Knoll, a former fighter pilot from Stuttgart, whom had developed a new revolutionary 'tension suspension' seating system; together they launched in 1931 at the British Industries Fair under the new name Parker Knoll.
We had the very good fortune to acquire this Parker Knoll Andante 945 / 7 Cocktail Chair this week. In recent years it's been reupholstered in this rich red fabric.
This cocktail chair, as one would expect is sold, firm and true... and oh-so-comfortable; it is so beautiful in its simplicity.
It needs a new home, quite quickly, otherwise it may be adopted as it sits oh-so-well at home (and hoarding is not within our current business plan...).
Well, after this history lesson, and talk of cocktail chairs, a thirst has developed... cheers!
Stay curious.
PS - you didn't ask, but had you... a negroni or espresso martini, lovely, thanks.
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